Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ethical or Unethical?

Anheuser-Busch’s marketing campaign involving University colors can be considered both ethical and unethical depending on the models you observe it through.

The Communitarianism model states that you must not think about individual rights as much as you think about social responsibility. Under this model Anheuser-Busch’s marketing campaign is considered unethical. By putting school colors on beer cans they are targeting college age students. Being that not all college age students are of drinking age they are, in a sense, dangling a forbidden fruit.

The Virtue Ethics model states that you must look at the actor rather than the deed. Under this model Anheuser-Busch’s marketing campaign is considered ethical. Anheuser-Busch stated that they are against underage drinking. Anheuser-Busch also stated that they have spent more than $750 million to prevent alcohol abuse.

The Egoism model states that the protecting its reputation and minimizing economic losses is the most ethical thing to do. Under this model Anheuser-Busch’s marketing campaign is considered ethical. This marketing campaign would boost sales and liquidize a lot of currency. This would be good for the economy.

The Consequentialism model states that the ends achieved determine ethicality. Under this model Anheuser-Busch’s marketing campaign is considered unethical. This campaign would generally cause everyone with money to buy more beer. Not everyone with money can legally buy beer. People who can legally buy beer would most likely purchase more, which would theoretically lead to more binge drinking.

1 comment:

Linda Ld Jacobson, APR said...

I think A-B would have acted differently under the egoism ethical model. That re-direct should have come from the marketing campaign manager. Nice discussion.